Tuesday, July 29, 2008

do you love to cook? do want to learn how to cook?

this is the right place for you.

recipe exchange, cooking tips, Indian, Oriental, and
Western cuisine.

please feel free to contribute recipes, recipes
revisions, your own unique recipes

- Nani Khemaney


KailaToya said...

Hello Nani Khemaney!

Thank you for your invitation. It is great to be part of this circle of culinary enthusiasts and experts.I am no expert chef but I share a passion for cooking just like the rest of you.I look forward to a happy cooking experience with all of you here.

Nani Khemaney said...

hi kaila...

hope to see you around more often..

i'm not a professionally trained cook either,

my Mommy and Nana were my trainers!

no school can beat that i think.