Thursday, July 31, 2008


youtube video on how to cook dhal:

coming next:
vegetable pakoras

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

basic panir

3 liters fresh milk
- bring to a boil (watch and stir so it does not over boil or burn. When boiling, reduce heat, let it simmer) and add:

juice of one lime

don't stir, just let it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
meanwhile line a strainer with cheesecloth or any clean cloth that you may have. Spoon the panir out and let it drain.

Save the whey for soups. It is very good for you!!!

For firm panir, wrap the panir with the cheesecloth and place a something heavy like a big pumpkin or wrought iron pot over it to squeeze out excess whey.

- nani khemaney

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

do you love to cook? do want to learn how to cook?

this is the right place for you.

recipe exchange, cooking tips, Indian, Oriental, and
Western cuisine.

please feel free to contribute recipes, recipes
revisions, your own unique recipes

- Nani Khemaney