Friday, August 8, 2008

recipe request!

hi kaila!

can you post your mom's famous almond cookie recipe?

hi sunil!

do you have a good recipe for carrot halwa? mine never turns out well.

- nani


KailaToya said...

hi nani!

I'm sorry I don't have my mom's famous almond cookie recipe anymore. As a kid I simply enjoyed munching on them thinking that my mom will always be there to bake them for me.But of course that is not the case and now I regret that I did not learn the recipe by heart.But hey don't feel so bad because I found a site with different cookie recipes that uses almonds.

check out this link:

happy cooking!

Nani Khemaney said...

oh there you are Kaila!
i see.. that's okay...
thanks for the link!!

- nani khemaney